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Business partners


Background of collaboration

Services offered in collaboration

On a Finnish scale this unique collaboration provides solutions to managing challenges in among other to environmental regulation.


We have started collaboration with Mikko Ahokas Consulting to expand our service sselection and to wider our customer base. The purpose of this collaboration is to provide new solutions for the bioeconomy, environment, agriculture and industry actors. The need for collaboration has arisen because many business problems are not solved by legal perspective alone, but legal skills are still needed in problem solving.


Macon requires expertise in its operations in relation to various agreements, financial documentations, or company law documents. KPF again needs technical expertise, because solving the legal problem for customers requires knowledge of the technology or service in question.


As a new service, we offer a concept to provide commercial, technical and legal services in one contract. In addition, we offer the services of both companies to each other's customers if they require one. We also utilize each other's expertise in our own assignments.


This collaboration is its first kind in Finland. Macon is a consulting company specializing in bioeconomy, cleantech and the environment related issues. Macon has extensive references to various projects in different industries. The employees of Macon have decades of experience in industry and business. In addition, Macon is also spesialized in crowdfunding.

With MACON (Ltd) we provide the following services:


  • Acquiring funding and share issues, crowdfunding-campaigns

  • Legal and technical Due diligence

  • Environmental permits

  • Industry litigation

  • Industry valuation and business planning

  • Commercializing technical solutions

  • Patenting and all other IPR related issues


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